Persistent symptoms? Could it be Iodine?
When the medical professionals say your symptoms are "normal" but you want to feel better, you might need to consider what they did to relieve those symptoms before they had prescription drugs.
If you've ever wondered if you are low in iodine, try the iodine patch test.
It's a simple and easy way to find out.
Lugol’s Iodine is an orange colored solution, if you don’t have Lugol’s type iodine liquid on hand, it’s available online Click HERE and use the search bar for Iodine to buy some.
The Iodine Patch Test
The Iodine Skin Patch Test is the layman’s way to self monitor your iodine intake and your body’s ability to use iodine.
Simply put a drop or two of Lugol’s iodine onto clean dry skin. This should be either on your stomach, under your forearm or inner thigh where water washing or material won't rub on it to impact the test. Rub the drop into a quarter sized stain on your skin.
You will notice the color has changed. Make a mental note about how dark it is.
Wait for 24 hours. If the color has completely disappeared, you are iodine deficient.
The body's deficiency is proportionate - the faster the iodine is absorbed by your body, the more deficient you are.
If the stain disappears in less than four hours. This is considered a severe iodine deficiency. If the stain is gone sometime between 4 hours and 24 hours, you need to keep reading!
If the color disappears in less than 24 hours, you may begin using the iodine as a supplement for your iodine deficiency. Please note consuming iodine in a form not approved for oral consumption is not recommended! Lugol’s iodine is the standard for oral use.
Iodine should be used on a daily basis until the body no longer absorbs the skin patch iodine quickly.
After that, you may then test at intervals to see if you have become deficient again and treat accordingly.
Always start slow and increase 1 drop at a time no faster than every 3 days. Pay attention to how you feel and adjust accordingly.
Please Read these books!
Dr David Brownstein has authored several books on the subject of iodine and glandular health. you can find them on Amazon or
We have occasionally done bulk orders of Lugol’s and these books.
If you are interested in participating, click this link to go to Pamper Me Naturally and search Lugol's Iodine.
TO BUY Iodine Why You Need It Click Here
TO BUY Overcoming Thyroid Disorders Click Here
TO BUY Miracle of Natural Hormones Click Here
TO BUY Salt Your Way to Health Click Here
This is an excellent book! I highly recommend it! It’s available in paperback, and also as an easy listen while you do other things via Audible. Please check it out!
Buy the book: The Iodine Crisis HERE
*FYI - most book links posted on this blog contain affiliate links. That means the cost to you is the same, but I might get a small cut of the advertising budget built into the price. Thanks for letting me refer you to your next awesome read!
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