The 5 Minute Chat
Click Here & Read First! Grab a seat on the porch swing with me for an informal chat and encouragement. Find my recommended links at:
Hi There! Thanks for stopping by!
Grab a cup of tea or coffee or whatever your favorite beverage is. For just a few minutes, block out the negative world and the crazy paced lifestyle, and the people around you, and kick back for just a 5 minutes and let’s chat on my virtual/digital front porch. We’ll have a fun chat about the interesting and positive and encouraging things of life!
For years, I have spent countless hours chatting with individuals or in a small group about topics that I love and am passionate about. I created a business and a lifestyle around my passions. I love to chat, to share information, and to help people find solutions to their frustrations. My favorite topics are natural health, natural skincare, essential oils, herbal remedies, objective positivity on American culture, homestead style living, and more recently an app called the People’s Platform for the consumer initiative to preserve freedom and reduce inflation.
I have lived a vary wide and interesting life with experiences in many unusual aspects of American culture. I have had lots of people tell me that I should write my stories and advice down so that they can refer to it, share it, and so I can have time to share more stories by not having to repeat them.
This is my attempt to share my collection of stories and information.
To help keep it organized by topic, you’ll find 5 “chat topics” linked at the top of the page.
Amazing Plant Chats, Essential Oil Chats, Pamper Me Naturally Chats, PMN Bulk Club Chats, The Space Between, and the main Chat with Suzy section.
Each topic link has a description of the type of info linked to it, go check them out and see if you can find new things we can chat about!
You can also join me on other platforms like twitter, instagram, facebook & tiktok.
You can find links to those and other sites in the resources section on the right of the main page.
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Please also consider joining in as a paid subscriber. You’ll get more chat content and other deals and offers I acquire for the group, and most importantly, you’ll be helping to make this front porch chat time possible for me to invest the significant time it take to maintain. Thank you so very much! And please, tell a friend to join you!
I hope you find this space a fun place to come back to repeatedly and share some tea and happy moments and hopefully take with you some encouragement to keep smiling!
And that my friend, fills up our “5 minute chat time”.
So I will bid you ado for this round of tea, with a virtual hug, I will ask you to,
Come Back Soon!
As Always, Thanks for taking the time to read!
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