When The Body Says NO by Dr. Gabor Mate'
The Cost of Hidden Stress - Exploring the Stress - Disease Connection
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When The Body Says No
Available in Paperback, Hardcover, Kindle & Audible
I will start with a quote from the publisher, taken from an amazon listing:
In this accessible and groundbreaking book - filled with the moving stories of real people medical doctor and best-selling author Gabor Maté shows that emotion and psychological stress play a powerful role in the onset of chronic illness, including breast cancer, prostate cancer, multiple sclerosis and many others, even Alzheimer's disease.
When the Body Says No is an impressive contribution to research on the physiological connection between life's stresses and emotions and the body systems governing nerves, immune apparatus, and hormones. With great compassion and erudition, Gabor Maté demystifies medical science and, as he did in Scattered Minds, invites us all to be our own health advocates.
I found this book to be an encouraging and insightful read! It combines research reports, patient testimonials and the author’s experiences into an explanation of how the emotional and relationship experiences in our lives create causative connections to many diseases, especially those that are typically considered genetic, hard to diagnose, or auto-immune.
I have pondered for a long time the interesting connections that difficult situations appear to have in the lives of those with such disease diagnoses. I have seen it in my life, my relatives, and in many people I have counseled with over the years. This book validates with research studies, those connections as not mere coincidences or simple correlations, but real contributors to causations.
If you struggle with stress.
If there’s any type of major illness in your family history.
If you wish you understood aches, pains, headaches, erratic symptoms, and chronic illness better, especially when doctors are telling you there’s no connection or “it’s all in your head”, Please READ THIS BOOK.
There are 2 versions available a hardcover version and a paperback version. Each has a different cover but the contents seem to be exactly the same. The kindle and audible versions show the newer cover design. I listened to the audible version first. After a first time thru, I knew that I needed to listen to it again to catch more of the deeper meanings. And then I wanted a printed copy for a visual read and some note taking. Then is when I wondered about the cover designs. I wanted a printed copy that would match up to the audible version exactly, so I could listen and note take simultaneously. But I also had a hard cover preference especially since the price was similar. And that is how I learned that the cover design changes did not impact the ability to compare audio and print versions.
If you have struggles with people in your family or important adult relationships, (and almost everyone does) PLEASE READ THIS BOOK.
And I would loooove to hear your experiences with it! Please.
*FYI - most book links posted on this blog contain affiliate links. That means the cost to you is the same, but I might get a small cut of the advertising budget built into the price. Thanks for letting me refer you to your next awesome read!